Frequently asked questions

A proven partner to serve vulnerable people in the city


DAILY SOUP KITCHEN – every weekday @ 15:00 (Monday – Friday). Depending on the time of the month and the day of the week, the numbers are between 30 and 120. If you come and volunteer for this, please preferably no more than 6 volunteers at any given time. Contact our office and be at the church @ 14:30. You’ll be busy to around 15:30.

SORTING OUT OF OLD CLOTHES – Arrange it beforehand with our office for a time. A large group can come at the same time.

PREPARING FOOD FOR SUNDAY LUNCH – every Sunday we have a team of volunteers who come to cook (from 08:00) in order for the meal to be ready when the church service finishes around 11:00. Mostly we provide the food to be cooked. Volunteers do the cooking and help with the serving @ 11:00+. Preferably no more than 6 on this volunteers team per Sunday.

PUBLIC CLEANUPS – we arrange this as required for a specific area and for a specific time which suits the group asking. We can accommodate a very very large group. It’s really great fun and one feels that you are making a real difference.

SPECIAL DAYS – About every month there is some or other special day on the calander (like Mandela Day) which can be utilized to do one or other innovative project to serve the vulnerable community of the city

Yes, contact our office to make the necessary arrangements.

Yes, we certainly do.  You are welcome to come and drop it off at Towers of Hope on weekdays between 08:30 and 16:30.

Yes, contact our office and make the necessary arrangements.

Yes, as long as you don’t create the impression, that Towers of Hope will sort out all the problems of a needy / homeless person.

No, we don’t have a homeless shelter or any other accommodation. We can only refer a needy / homeless persons to shelters and organizations who do cater for this.

Contact our office, or even better, come to Towers of Hope, report your need, and go through an assessment process through which we can determine if you qualify according to our criteria.

No, Towers of Hope is a Christian NGO.  However, we work very closely with the local Towers of Hope Community, which is a Dutch Reformed Church, tuned to the needs and context of vulnerable and poor people.

Yes and No.  No-one can just come to Towers of Hope and start working as volunteer.  There is an initial process for a potential volunteer to go through. First, contact our office and offer to serve as volunteer.  Secondly, meet one of the management team for a short interview.  Thirdly, underwrite the Towers of Hope volunteer code.

Except finances, any food (perishable and non-perishable), 2nd hand clothing and blankets.